‘Internet of things’ poised for greatest impact, local IT leaders say

“Internet of things” devices will have the most impact on local governments in the next three to five years, according to recent survey results from the Public Technology Institute.
Emerging technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence, blockchain, autonomous vehicles, unmanned aircraft systems and augmented or virtual reality are expected to have direct and beneficial impacts on cities and counties, but it won’t be automatic — officials must consider how these technologies can transform government services, respondents said.
“PTI advocates taking a strategic and thoughtful approach to examining the implementation of any new technology or service,” the advocacy organization writes in a new infographic about the role of IT in emerging technology. “Because the adoption of these technologies relies on accessing a community’s telecommunications or technology infrastructure, the IT department must be part of the discussions when it comes to implementing emerging technologies.”
As part of an annual effort to chronicle the priorities and focuses of local government chief information officers and technology officials, PTI conducted a survey in July and August of 2018 where respondents were asked about emerging technology and its potential impacts. The results from the survey will be delivered in a series of infographics available on www.pti.org , and on StateScoop.com.
This infographic was provided to StateScoop for publication as a part of a media partnership with the Public Technology Institute. For more information on this poll and other PTI activities, check out www.pti.org .