Brandon Williams

In a meandering effort to serve in what seems like every chair in public service, Brandon has worked for the Feds in arms control and nonproliferation, both domestic and overseas, as an analyst, inspection team leader and diplomat. Following years of foreign service, Brandon and his wife moved to Colorado, where he joined Lake Dillon FireRescue – a path that led to working at the State’s Emergency Operations Center. After deploying social and collaborative tools at the State EOC, Brandon joined the Department of Public Health and Environment, where he worked in both communications and “Shadow IT,” helping implement Google as an alternative to state-provided systems. When the State went Google, Brandon moved to the Governor’s Office of Information Technology to lead the state’s Google Team, which he did for 4 years until becoming the State’s first Digital Transformation Officer. A wild, great ride, but Brandon and his family’s hearts never left the mountains, their local communities, his parents, and people and when the chance to head “home” to work technology, operations and mental health/public health issues with Eagle County came along, he ran with it like he stole it and now serves as Eagle County’s Innovation and Strategy Manager. Brandon, his wife Shannon and their two girls, Kate and Annika now “live”.