NC schedules hearing for proposed IT procurement rule amendments
Hearing for Proposed IT Procurement Rule Amendments February 15:
Title 9 of the NC Administrative Code contains the Information Technology Procurement Rules developed in response to Senate Bill 222. The rules are mandatory for use by Executive state agencies and recommended for use by other government entities when procuring IT goods and services. A summary of recommendations outlines proposed changes to current rules. A detailed document describing the changes as well as other information regarding the North Carolina Administrative Code is available on the IT Procurement website. These proposed changes are open to public comment. These proposed changes are open to public comment.
Among the proposed recommendations are:
Allow bidder debriefings at the agency’s discretion, per the solicitation terms.
Change the definition of “small purchases” to include all IT purchase transactions within an agency’s general delegated authority of $25,000.
Require agencies to allow electronic submission and receipt of vendor-offers to the State, per terms of individual solicitation.
Allow negotiations, per terms of individual solicitation, on all large IT-goods purchases (i.e., purchases above the agency’s delegation of $25,000, requiring ITS review and authorization before soliciting offers).
Define outcomes ITS may find when a bidder’s protest is determined to be valid or successful.
Oral comments may be made by contacting Teresa M. Bank at (919) 754-6285 or by appearing at the Rulemaking Hearing scheduled for:
February 15, 2013
1:00 p.m.
NC Office of Information Technology Services
3900 Wake Forest Road
Written comments may be mailed to the address listed below, or may be emailed Written objections, including the reason for the objection, should be sent to:
Teresa M. Bank
NC Office of Information Technology Services
P.O. Box 17209
Raleigh, NC 27619-7209