State Maine governor takes part in TechWalk 2013 Gov. Paul R. LePage joined more than 600 people who participated in last night’s TechWalk 2013 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland. By StateScoop Staff November 11, 2013 Gov. LePage joins “The Entrepreneur’s Journey” at TechWalk 2013 Share Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Copy Link Advertisement Advertisement More Like This Data infrastructure a major challenge for AI in California, say officials By Sophia Fox-Sowell North Dakota governor-elect names state lawmaker as new CIO By Colin Wood New Jersey shares AI translation tool materials with other states By Keely Quinlan Advertisement Top Stories Ransomware sends Ohio county emergency services back to pen and paper By Sophia Fox-Sowell More states are digitizing benefits applications, requiring identity proofing By Colin Wood Local governments need more cyber funding, report finds By Sophia Fox-Sowell Advertisement
The Maine State House in Augusta (Getty Images) Maine hires public university tech chief as new state CIO Fred Brittain takes his first position in state government after more than 25 years with the state's public university system. By Colin Wood
Maine Gov. Janet Mills (Wikimedia Commons) Inspired by Vonnegut, Maine governor creates ‘Office of Innovation and the Future’ By Benjamin Freed