Kansas launches new site for veterans

Gov. Brownback, state officials announce new veterans’ website:
The state of Kansas announced a new website today that will serve as a central, comprehensive resource for services that the state provides to veterans. KanVet will connect veterans with higher education information and job searching tools designed specifically for veterans. The website address is www.KanVet.KS.gov.
“The women and men who have served our country deserve our support when they transition out of the military,” said Gov. Sam Brownback. “KanVet will be a wonderful resource for the veterans in our state by providing them an easy way to access the educational and job searching programs available in Kansas.”
Brownback and Maj. Gen. Lee Tafanelli, Kansas adjutant general, unveiled the new KanVet website at a news conference today. They were joined by representatives from the Kansas Board of Regents, the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs and Black & Veatch, a KanVet sponsor and a company that has hired more than 600 veterans.
“This new resource will be invaluable to our National Guard, Reserve and Active Duty troops and veterans all across Kansas,” Tafanelli said. “Helping them to find employment, training, education and other assistance is one way for the state to give back to them for their willingness to serve their state and country and to thank them for the many sacrifices made to fight for our freedoms.”
KanVet houses employment and education information in an easily navigable website with links to Kansas programs available for veterans. Employment resources include information about KANSASWORKS, the KanSERVE program, opportunities with the Kansas Army and Air National Guard and explanations of other employment services. Education tools provide the ability to search for higher education programs for veterans at all Kansas Board of Regents universities and community and technical colleges. Several agencies were involved in developing KanVet, including the departments of Commerce, Labor and Children and Families; the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs; Kansas Board of Regents, and the Kansas Adjutant General’s Office.
“KanVet is a valuable resource for the veterans who have served this county,” Kansas Commerce Secretary Pat George said. “It’s great that state organizations have partnered to provide this website, and KanVet’s sponsors also deserve recognition for their support of veterans.”