South Carolina governor wants $29 million for ed tech spending

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley wants to spend about $160 million on the state’s education system, with slightly more than $29 million going to improve classroom technology.
Haley unveiled her plan last week at a school in West Columbia, S.C., before a group of teachers, students, representatives of education advocacy groups, lawmakers and state education leaders.
The new education spending would come from the state’s capital reserves and add to the $10.2 million the state annually spends on technology, both for wireless access and computing devices for students.
Haley’s proposal falls in line with recommendations made by the South Carolina Education Oversight Committee.
Haley stressed her plan is a multiyear commitment needed to show businesses outside the state that South Carolina’s leaders are committed to improving the state’s education system and growing a strong economy.
“This is important to make sure our kids stay home,” Haley said. “This is important to make sure our kids have a chance.”
She continued, “This is important to lift up all of South Carolina so it doesn’t just look like we’re lucky to be getting those jobs — that we’re investing in those kids who will have those jobs in the future.”