Server malfunction freezes license plate renewal in Kentucky

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has reported that a glitch in its servers caused its online license renewals system to crash.
Oficials wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday that problems arose after it tried to replace its old legacy system with the state’s new Kentucky Automated Vehicle Information System (KAVIS), a platform handling online vehicle transactions. The cabinet said it “understood” the difficulties the crash presented to businesses and promised to fix the issue as quickly as possible.
“Some County Clerk offices are experiencing User Access issues due to the server data connections working intermittently,” the cabinet said in its post. “Once the server connection is stabilized, KAVIS will offer a uniform system for all 120 counties that improves data accuracy and completeness.”
Fayette County Clerk Don Blevins said the system’s turmoil had created long lines, but the problems were expected to be fixed sometime Wednesday, according to a report from Lexington Herald Leader. The glitches, he added, did not affect online vehicle registration renewals, obtaining handicap placards or vehicle title transfers. Even so, the cabinet said in an update Wednesday that this might not be the case for all counties.
“KYTC strongly suggests anyone wanting to renew their car tags, obtain a handicapped placard or transfer a motor vehicle should call their county clerk’s office first before going to the office,” the cabinet said.