
Accessible Self-Service Bill Pay

Accessible Self-Service Bill Pay is a project from Lawrence, Indiana.

Local IT Innovation of the Year

The City of Lawrence, Indiana, has made utility payments easier for all customers. With govtech firm CityBase, they’ve installed two self-service payment kiosks that provide 24/7 access for people to pay their bills when it’s convenient for them. The kiosks were implemented in 2020 to increase payment choice while reducing risks for Lawrence employees and residents, since they eliminate person-to-person contact. Lawrence’s investment in self-service, no-fee payment options that serve in-person customers has ensured that people continue to have safe, easy, and affordable access to stay current with their important bills.

Jake Williams

Written by Jake Williams

Jake Williams is the vice president of content and community for StateScoop and EdScoop. He's spent nearly a decade in the government IT market, covering the ins and outs of state and local government, as well as higher education. He started his journalism career in his native Pennsylvania and has also worked as a reporter for Campaigns & Elections magazine.

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