NASCIO names winners of 2020 State IT Recognition Awards

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers on Tuesday recognized 10 of the most impressive uses of technology inside state government that could be replicated in other states.
The organization named 10 recipients of its annual State IT Recognition Awards, given to states for uses of technology that “address critical business problems, more easily connect citizens to their government, improve business processes and create new opportunities that improve the lives of citizens.”
One winner was selected for each of 10 categories, which range from cybersecurity to enterprise IT management. Emily Lane, NASCIO’s program and brand director, told StateScoop that narrowing down the group’s list of 30 finalists to 10 winners, which was done by a panel of 60 NASCIO members, was a “tough job.”
“While all projects highlight the innovative work happening across the nation in information technology, these projects were acknowledged by their peers as replicable examples of how IT can address critical business problems and enhance the citizen experience,” Lane wrote in an emailed statement.
Colorado and Virginia stand out among the recipients, each taking two awards. Colorado was recognized for its advancements in digital services, taking home one award for its mobile platform, called myColorado, which contains a digital identification option. Its second award was for MyBizColorado, the state’s online portal for business permits and resources. In an interview on StateScoop’s Priorities podcast earlier this year, then-statewide CIO Theresa Szczurek said it was one of her top priorities ensuring the state’s digital services were “user-friendly and accessible to all,” noting that 80% of Coloradans use a mobile device.
Virginia was recognized for its adoption of a multi-vendor IT service model, which was given a fairly positive review by state auditors earlier this month. In its application, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency boasted the new model is projected to save the state $114 million over eight years.
“Virginia’s switch to the MSI service delivery model rewards competitive supplier pricing, measurably decreases service costs and markedly improves service capabilities,” the state’s application reads. “While continuing to fine-tune and innovate in the new model, the Commonwealth again looks to share its experience with its sister states.”
Virginia was also recognized for a data-sharing platform launched in 2018 to help departments across the state government — such as those focused on health care, public safety and social services — collaborate on drug addiction. The platform, called Framework for Addiction Analysis and Community Transformation, or FAACT, has since been repurposed to assist the government’s response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
“Local participants use its data analysis tools to help determine where cases are rising, where containment measures are working and to help maintain an adequate supply of resources,” the state’s application reads.
Winners of NASCIO’s 2020 State IT Recognition Awards:
Business Process Innovations
State of North Carolina: Modernizing Environmental Mapping with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Cross-Boundary Collaboration & Partnerships
Commonwealth of Virginia: Framework for Addiction Analysis and Community Transformation (FAACT)
State of Georgia: Who Let the “Cyber Dawg” Out? A Live-Action Cybersecurity Exercise
Data Management, Analytics & Visualization
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Maintenance-IQ – Empowering PennDOT Professionals with Data Visualization
Digital Government: Government to Business
State of Colorado: MyBizColorado
Digital Government: Government to Citizen
State of Colorado: myColorado
Emerging & Innovative Technologies
State of Indiana: Management Performance Hub, Enhanced Research Environment
Enterprise IT Management Initiatives
Commonwealth of Virginia: Virginia: Pioneering a New Method of State IT Services Delivery
Information Communications Technology (ICT) Innovations
State of Maryland: Maryland First: First Responders Interoperability Radio System Team
State CIO Office Special Recognition
State of Washington: Paid Family & Medical Leave