Wyoming pushes government efficiency

Governor’s Push to Streamline State Government Continues
Governor Matt Mead continues to work for more efficient state government. This year he has asked agencies, boards and commissions to streamline rules. This follows the merger of the Department of Workforce Services and Department of Employment in 2011 and consolidation of technology services in 2012.
The goal of the Governor’s rules project is to reduce rules both in number and length by 1/3. This benchmark recognizes some agencies, boards and commissions will not be able to achieve that goal, while others may surpass it.
“We have obsolete, unnecessary and duplicative rules on the books and state agencies, boards and commissions are now looking critically at their existing rules and writing new rules in a more clear and concise manner,” Governor Mead said. “This project will benefit the public by making rules more useful and transparent. It will also clear out the clutter posed by unnecessary and outdated rules. We are also getting ideas for how to make the rulemaking process more efficient and improve accessibility in the future.”
State agencies, boards and commissions develop rules pursuant to enabling legislation. They are intended to clarify requirements for the benefit of individuals, businesses and government. When rules are not clear, concise and relevant they are not helpful – they are cumbersome. The Legislature, Secretary of State’s Office, and the Attorney General’s Office are all actively working on this streamlined rules project with the Governor’s Office.
“Some state agencies have already reduced the number of rules they have on the books this year,” Governor Mead said. “Others have proposed reductions or will soon. I believe fewer and more transparent rules make for better government, and I appreciate the hard work that has gone into this project. This is the beginning phase, and we expect more to come from it.”