To get the most value out of 5G investments, state leaders need to consider the different types of 5G connectivity, says T-Mobile executive Dave Bezzant.
Officer Daniel Arteaga, an officer with two years on the force, speaks to the desk over the radio clearing the situation he was at in Chelsea, Massachusetts, on May 1, 2021. (Joseph Prezioso / AFP / Getty Images)
A survey of public-safety personnel found that 70% are comfortable with existing technologies, but also revealed a desire for more seamless communications.
A July report by the New York State auditor found that the LinkNYC program has not penetrated less-connected boroughs and shortchanged the city on ad revenue.
A letter asking Congress for new broadband support comes after the FCC announced plans to offer billions in incentives to companies that free up wireless spectrum for…
The FCC has confirmed through testing that carrier coverage maps are inaccurate and announced a new funding program for the next generation of wireless.