New York selects new geographic information systems chief

New York State’s Office of Information Technology Services on Friday announced it’s selected Elisabetta “Lis” DeGironimo, a state geographic information systems employee, as its new geographic information officer.

As GIO, DeGironimo will lead the state’s Geospatial Services Office. DeGironimo has been with New York’s technology division since 2022, serving as the geospatial office’s director and helping to expand the office’s purview, according to a press release.
The state’s geospatial office publishes a website that helps users locate information on a variety of state topics, including state certified business enterprises, bike routes, traffic data, posted bridges and material suppliers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the office generated the first case-level COVID-19 maps in the nation, according to the press release.
DeGironimo has more than 30 years of experience in GIS and has worked on projects in Venezuela, Egypt, El Salvador, Mexico and Canada, according to the state. Before joining New York’s technology office, DeGironimo served as watershed and GIS coordinator for the Mohawk Valley Water Authority in Utica, New York. She’s also held the titles of GIS program manager and software development manager in the private sector.
DeGironimo also serves as the executive director of the state’s Geospatial Advisory Council, a group that provides guidance on how to improve the delivery of public services, protect the public and the environment and enhance the “business climate” through the use of mapping technologies. DeGironimo is a board member of the GIS Certification Institute, represents NYS on the National States Geographic Information Council and is an adjunct instructor at SUNY Polytechnic in Utica.
“We are pleased to have Lis DeGironimo leading our Geospatial Services team and using her talent and experience to provide exceptional value to the Chief Data Office and ITS, as well as the businesses, taxpayers, and residents of New York State,” state Chief Information Officer Dru Rai said in the news release.