
Maryland launches new centralized business license portal

Progress is a choice. Job Creation is a choice. Creating the conditions that allow our businesses to grow and prosper — this too is a choice.

Making it easier to do business:

January 23rd, 2013
Progress is a choice. Job Creation is a choice. Creating the conditions that allow our businesses to grow and prosper — this too is a choice.

In Maryland, we are — according to the US Chamber of Commerce — the #1 state in America for innovation and entrepreneurship. But we know that we can always do better.

When I talk to business leaders like Michael Bendler featured in the video below, they often tell me they need help with two things from their government: Access to a world-class workforce and easing the administrative burden on business.


Because Maryland’s greatest asset are the talents, skills, and education of our people, together we’ve made record investments in public education — even while making record cuts to our State’s budget. Today, Education Week magazine says our schools are the best in America.

We are also investing to make college more affordable for more families. The College Board says we’ve done more than any other state to hold down the cost of college tuition.
All of us can agree that we ought to be able to cut down on the amount of paperwork for businesses so that they can spend their time growing their businesses and putting more Marylanders to work. That’s the idea behind Maryland Made Easy and it’s why last week, we unveiled a new virtual “one-stop shop” for business licensing and registration.

This new Central Business Licensing program means one very important thing: If you’re an entrepreneur, instead of getting your new business registration reviewed in ten WEEKS, it’ll be reviewed in 5 to 7 DAYS if not sooner.

We’re constantly looking for ways to make our government more efficient and to make Maryland even more business-friendly. CBL does both.

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