Phillip Leclair

Phillip Leclair joined the City of Pasadena in 2008 and as Chief Information Officer (CIO) he is responsible for leading the City’s technology strategy and managing overall IT operations and customer service. His initiatives include improving service delivery through embracing effective and efficient use of technology; creating business models for delivering new services such as virtual desktops; promoting online development opportunities to increase self-service capabilities; and leading strategic initiatives to transform the technology department to be flexible, adaptable and responsive to customer needs. Prior to joining the City of Pasadena, Phillip was an IT consultant with a Los Angeles based IT Management and Strategy consulting firm responsible for IT strategic planning, project management services and web development practices. In a prior role, Phillip worked for the New York City Department of Finance providing internal IT consulting services and managing multiple system implementation initiatives focused on property valuation, taxation and payment systems. Phillip holds a BA degree in Economics from the University of California Berkeley and a MBA from New York University Stern School of Business.