Visualization: U.S. state governors and their salaries

The Council of State Governments, part of the Pew Charitable Trusts, has published a new data visualization looking at the salaries of state governors.
According to the visualization, state governors are paid between $70,000 and $187,256 this year with the average annual salary at $133,348 per year.
That number is up over the past year after governors in Idaho, Indiana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Tennessee all received raises, averaging $4,115.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has the highest gubernatorial salary while Maine Governor Paul LePage has the lowest.
That is, of course, of governors that actually get paid. According to the council, the governors of Alabama, Florida and Tennessee do not accept a salary while Michigan Governor Rick Snyder returns all but $1 of his salary to the state treasury.