Emerging Tech: The Future of State Local & Higher ED IT (2022)
From finding new ways to collect and analyze data, to developing applications, to even creating entirely new financial schemes, state and local governments are constantly toying with emerging technologies. And while much of this work is often done in earnest, success is not guaranteed.
Over the past two years especially, there’s been growing interest in the use of low-code and no-code application development, with platforms that make it easier for officials to design new programs without compiling thousands and thousands of lines of programming. While it was particularly handy during the height of the pandemic, some state-government users say it’s time to slow down the love affair.
Meanwhile, many mayors have been gripped by cryptocurrency fever, proclaiming that digital tokens are essential to the future of city services and even government funding. But as bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have tumbled, the hype hasn’t necessarily followed, even if it seems a bit tamped down right now.
And in academia, universities see new opportunities for artificial intelligence and virtual reality to revolutionize teaching and learning. But such optimism, education tech leaders say, has to be tempered by caution.
In a new series of articles, StateScoop and EdScoop reporters look at what’s trending now, and whether it will last.