  • Priorities Podcast

South Dakota’s IT modernization project is expanding, official says

On this week’s Priorities podcast, South Dakota Chief Technology Officer Pat Snow says his state is continuing to roll out new services on its enterprise identity platform. South Dakota, which is embarking on several large-scale IT modernization efforts, now has about 120 services online, Snow says. The state’s IT bureau is meanwhile planning quarterly releases of at least a dozen digital services. Also on the podcast, Mike Rupert, Washington, D.C.’s associate CTO for customer experience, says the district’s digital services efforts are playing a big role in Mayor Muriel Bowser’s “big comeback” effort after the pandemic. And later, Minnesota Chief Information Officer Tarek Tomes says his state is pursuing an “ambitious agenda” for digital transformation.

In the news this week:

Nearly two-thirds of local government officials believe their budgets are inadequate to support their cyber programs, according to new survey results from the Public Technology Institute. The survey provides an overview of how city and county officials are thinking about cyber and preparing for changes.

Results for America, a nonprofit aiming to help governments use data to solve community challenges, is recognizing 10 states for their use of data to support decision-making. The group recognized five leading states — Colorado, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon and Tennessee — along with five others as honorable mentions.

New York is proposing a new set of cybersecurity regulations for the state’s hospitals. The new regulations aim to safeguard the critical systems that hospitals use to provide patient care. They also require hospitals to develop their own cybersecurity programs and response plans.

StateScoop’s Priorities podcast is available every Thursday. Listen more here.

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Priorities Podcast

Each Wednesday, StateScoop’s Priorities Podcast explores the latest in state and local government technology news and analysis. Listen to in-depth conversations with government and industry’s top executives, and learn about trending stories affecting state and local IT leaders ranging from modernization and digital accessibility to the latest advances in generative artificial intelligence.

Hosted by Jake Williams

Jake Williams is the vice president of content and community for StateScoop and EdScoop. He's spent nearly a decade in the government IT market, covering the ins and outs of state and local government, as well as higher education. He started his journalism career in his native Pennsylvania and has also worked as a reporter for Campaigns & Elections magazine.