

Dickie Howze
Richard “Dickie” Howze chats in the hallway between sessions of the National Association of State Chief Information Officers’ annual conference in Louisville, Kentucky, on Oct. 10, 2022. (Colin Wood / Scoop News Group)

Longtime Louisiana employee and first statewide CIO Dickie Howze has retired

Richard "Dickie" Howze, who led Louisiana's first consolidated IT department over the past decade, stepped down as the state welcomed a new governor.
tony riddick
New York State CIO Angelo “Tony” Riddick at a NASCIO conference in Louisville, Ky., in October 2022. (Colin Wood / Scoop News Group)

New York State CIO Tony Riddick to retire

Angelo "Tony" Riddick, who was named state CIO in December 2020, plans to retire at the end of the month.