
Alabama updates HR software, data security to improve efficiency

Alabama is currentlyrolling out its enterprise resource planning, orERP, update and aims to instate an enterprise-level security program that adheres toNational Institute of Standards and Technologybenchmarkswithin a year, state CIO Joanne Hale said.

Our teams vision is to become a strategic, trusted partner as the agencies deliver their important services to the state of Alabama, Hale said in a StateScoop TV interview at the National Association of State Chief Information Officers midyear conference in April in Baltimore.

The ERP technology will help human resources staff across all agencies best usethe state’sresources. The system will help create a comprehensive picture of payroll and spending, minimizing employee costs and making sure that our IT staff and IT leaders have the knowledge skill and rewards to…help us accomplish our goals.

Hale also said the movetowarda NIST-based security protocolwill allow state agencies to protect state and citizen information.

Reducing risk has to underpin everything that we do, all of our priorities, all of our drivers are founded on that, Hale said.
