
Google’s Amanda Stange on real-world AI applications for safety, disaster relief and collaboration

Google Public Sector Head of SLED Sales, Pac West Region, Amanda Stange, dived into how AI is revolutionizing state and local government operations. With real-world applications ranging from climate insights to improving road safety using AI countermeasures, Google is at the forefront of addressing challenges. The Pacific West region, in particular, is seeing innovations like rapid disaster response systems for unemployment and food assistance, showcased during the Maui fires crisis. Additionally, Google’s Gemini AI is changing the workspace by automating meeting notes and tasks, freeing up valuable human resources for more critical functions.

Learn more about how Google Public Sector can help your organization “Kickstart your generative AI journey.” This article was produced by Scoop News Group and sponsored by Google Public Sector. Google Public Sector is an underwriter of AI Week.
