- Priorities Podcast
Proselytizing for digital government in Armenia
On this week’s Priorities Podcast, Los Angeles Chief Information Officer Ted Ross shares the results of his recent trip to Armenia. As part of a democracy forum hosted by the U.S. State Department, Ross traveled to the capital city of Yerevan, where he met with government leaders to discuss how digital services can boost the public’s trust in government and help bolster the principles of democracy. “I think in a lot of governments, they think of digital and government as a completely separate conversation. So we found ourselves talking a lot about that: This isn’t just transacting, this is about a customer experience,” Ross says.
Also this week, Christine Halvorsen, Okta’s public sector chief technology officer and a former FBI official, joins Okta principal solutions engineer Pam Van Meter and Scoop News Group’s Wyatt Kash in a discussion on how modern customer identity and access management, or CIAM, platforms help state and local agencies lower costs and improve customer experience and security.
This episode is sponsored by Okta.
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